Our curriculum vision is for all of our students to have high aspirations, and to be confident, independent and resilient individuals. They will achieve excellence and become life-long learners, well-prepared for the modern workplace. This will lead them to be responsible, respectful and active citizens who can make a positive contribution to society. Our curriculum vision is underpinned by our school ethos of the ‘Oakwood’ Student.
Our curriculum is changing from September 2022. This is explained in our 2024-25 curriculum policy.
Curriculum Plus Activities
We strongly believe that the school day does not finish at 3pm, and we encourage all students to take part in our co-curricular programme. These activities continue to allow students to enjoy and achieve, as well as building further on our school ethos of the Oakwood Student. To view our Curriculum Plus programme, click here.
Option Choices
Our options process supports students in making informed choices about the next stage of their education, and helps them to start thinking about future education, careers and training. The options process takes place in the Spring and Summer term of Year 9, with students starting courses in September of Year 10. For further details of our Options process click here.
SEND Curriculum Adaptations
At The Oakwood Academy, all students benefit from quality-first teaching in the classroom, which caters for their individual needs and supports them to make good progress. Work is differentiated for different groups and individuals. To find out more information about how we adapt the curriculum for students with SEND, click here.
For more information about our curriculum, please contact Mr. A. Wylie, Deputy Head Teacher